About Roze Room Hospice
Roze Room Hospice is a licensed, Medicare/Medi-Cal certified and Joint Commission accredited hospice program serving patients in Southern California.
Founded by Lena Beker after the death of her grandmother, Roze Room Hospice has distinguished itself as a premier hospice provider in the communities we serve for over 25 years.
Roze Room Hospice is committed to providing personalized care and service to individuals and families in need so that every room is filled with love and compassion.
We are dedicated to providing community education so that all are aware of the wonderful benefits of hospice care and our able to utilize hospices services timely.
You are welcome to contact Roze Room Hospice directly if you have any questions about hospice care.
Mission Statement
To stay true to our founding principles of patient focused quality end-of-life care by treating patients, families and staff with respect, honor and dignity.
Vision Statement
To be recognized as the premier provider of end-of-life care in the communities we serve.

Our New Logo
We may have a new look, but we’ll always be the same at heart. We are proud to introduce our new website and new logo. It has become time for a more expressive way to share the story of our innovation, value and purpose. Our new logo and website strengthen our ability to communicate our profound impact – our ability to enrich lives and encircle those we care for in strength, support, compassion and love.